
HDB Living Room Ideas: Basic Decorating Tips

It’s easy to come up with a theme for the living room. Not so easy however, is using the space effectively.

The living room takes up a lion’s share of space in Singapore’s HDBs. Naturally, you’ll want to maximise the space so you can actually live in the room. Here are some basic living room decorating guidelines to get the space you want, regardless the style.

Clear Circulation Space

All homes, regardless its property type, have some kind of flow. From the moment you step into the entry way, you are led to the living room, kitchen and bedrooms. As such, make sure to plan a clear path for walking.

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Achieve this by creating a sample room layout. On a piece of paper, do simple sketch of where you’d like to place the furniture. Visualising your living room floor space is an excellent way to try for an optimal layout. Plus, it’ll help you time bulky deliveries for other parts of the house. You don’t want your sofa to be in the way of movers bringing in a double bed mattress.

If you’ve hired an interior designer, he/she should be able to help you with a 2D or 3D sketch. Juz Interior uses virtual reality to help homeowners visualise their floorplan for a more effective space planning experience. Get in touch with us if you’re still in the planning stage of your interior design journey!

Visual Balance

Create a visual balance between used and unused spaces. Used space refers a floorspace occupied by furniture, and unused spaces are free.

Filling every square inch of the living room isn’t necessary to achieve the balanced look. Remember, you’ll need to cater for space for walking.

Future Occupancy

Think about possible scenarios taking place in your future home. Parties, your child’s tuition classes, or a toddler in their inquisitive years. You’ll definitely need more seating space than usual and some room to move around.

This is the extra occupancy you need to plan for. Could the extra seating come from study room chairs, beanbags, dining room chairs? Whatever you choose, always plan for ad-hoc redeployment.


Choices for ventilation could either be artificial or natural.

If your living room has a high ceiling, work this to your advantage. Install ceiling fans or mount them to the wall.

When installing an aircon for your HDB living room, position it high in the seating area. It’ll help cool the room down faster and you’ll be able to feel the draft of cool air.

Warm and Welcoming Colour Scheme

The living room is the first thing you and your guests see as they walk in.

A good rule of thumb is to choose a warm and welcoming colour scheme. If there’s a heavier theme you’re going for, say industrial, opt for a neutral colour palette. Indoor house plants are also a great way to decorate your living room.

If you want more ideas for your living room, follow us on our Facebook page, or get in touch with one of our designers today!